St. Louis, Mo.—The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) has announced its 2015 technical education schedule, including new workshop topics and locations. The NWFA has also welcomed 39 Partners in Education program members.
“NWFA and its Partners succeeded in 2014 in more than doubling attendance at its training events,” said Brett Miller, NWFA vice president of education & certification. “We are excited to continue growing the educational opportunities we offer professionals of all backgrounds in the industry. We project a significant increase in attendance again in the coming year, and plan to conduct close to one million hours of instruction.”
One-day educational workshops and four-day skill-level schools will be offered in 14 cities from coast to coast. NWFA headquarters in St. Louis, E.J. Welch Company in Chicago and Chattahoochee Technical College in Marietta, Ga., will serve as training centers. NWFA distributor members will host the remaining workshops in locations throughout the U.S. for convenience to students.
The NWFA will conduct two one-day training sessions in January in Las Vegas, in conjunction with the TISE West convention. The NWFA Certified Professionals (NWFACP) Sales Advisor certification workshop will take place Jan. 20. The Environmental Effects on Wood workshop will be held Jan. 23, and offers Continuing Certification Units toward annual certification maintenance requirements.
The NWFACP Certified Sales Advisor training covers product knowledge, subfloors, installation methods, customer expectations and preventing, recognizing and solving claims.
The Environmental Effects on Wood workshop is a comprehensive course that covers water/wood relationships, temperature and humidity, HVAC and humidification/dehumidification systems, and how environmental conditions affect wood flooring. The workshop will be taught by Randy Lenz and Janis Rozenbergs of Aprilaire and Roy Reichow, owner of National Wood Floor Consultants.
The full list of workshops and locations is available at